
It is logical that to achieve a state of truth, eternal reality, one must act in this way - honest and true. Gambling in this context is acquiring assets through deception and overwhelming risk. For one who is endeavoring for a spiritual uncovering, anxiety, fear and worry are unhelpful. These are the resultant emotions of one who makes a gamble.

We are not discouraging taking risks in general, but, when the risk is far greater than the reward or if we are put into some anxiety for mundane material achievements, this is not very good.
      Building of positive qualities is a gradual process. You can't pull a handle on a slot machine and get out humility, tolerance, and unshakeable peace. Similarly, gambling reinforces the notion that life is whimsical and frivolous ehish is contradictory to a reality of substance and worth. Just like if we won a billion dollars in the lottery, then all money would lose its value. So, if self-understanding came so cheaply, then we would value it no more than a penny found on the sidewalk.

      To achieve lasting results in any walk of life, one must put in effort, use their intelligence, and persevere through resistance. This is why Krishna consciousness advocates for truthful honest work with deep respect for a high standard of moral and ethical principles.
