
Ever heard the saying "Cleanliness is next to Godliness"? Cleanliness in this context takes on two meanings: internal and external cleaning. External cleanliness is obvious - most of us have experience with a cluttered work space or messy room or coming home to dirty dishes in the sink, it just creates a more negative mood. Healthy and high living necessitates hygiene. How can we get what we need if the space is disorderly or chaotic and what use is a tool covered in rust and dirt?

Internal cleanliness works the same way. Each and everyone of us as part and parcels of the Supreme are pure by nature, but have been covered over by the dirt of perverted desires and selfish acts. So we must clean our hearts and minds to return to this natural state of pure knowledge and bliss.
     This is done by a two-pronged approach. We can actively cleanse our heart and mind by doing purifying activities such as: changing mantras, hearing about spiritual topics, praying and wishing well for others, offering our food and other items to the Lord and so many more.
     The other prong is to cut out those activities that add gunk to our present selves, causing our true eternal identity to get lost amongst the sensory information and temporary "high" it brings.
     This means taking drugs, alcohol, artificial stimulants, eating food only for sense pleasure not biological need, an overload of money or influence - indulging in these things casts us deeper into the illusion of sense pleasure to varying degrees depending on the level of lust for its result.
      So cleanliness is a constant endeavor. but just as a filing cabinet that is neat and orderly functions more efficiently, by living like this our body and mind uncovers abilities we didn't even know we were capable of.

     This Krishna consciousness movement is a society that provides a sustainable diet, lifestyle, and community for this clean living and high thinking to take place, fully functional and available for all.
